Fresno Judo is proud to offer our Adaptive Judo Program:
An inclusive short-term judo program for athletes with special needs.
Sept 7 - Nov 23
Saturdays, 10:30 - 11:30 am
Thank you to the Kiwanis Club of East Fresno for sponsoring this program! With their generous donation, all fees (including monthly membership, USJF membership, and judo gi) are waived for the first 20 participants.
Adaptive Judo Program Dues
$105 for 3 months
USJF Membership
$40 for 4-month membership or
$70 for a full-year membership
Judo Gi (Uniform)
$35 - $60 (depending on the size)
What should my child wear?
Students should wear soft, comfortable workout clothes that can be put over their judo gi (t-shirt, running shorts, yoga pants, etc.). Long hair must be pulled back and fingernails kept short.
What should my child bring?
Bring a water bottle (water is also for sale for $1).
Where do I get a judo gi (uniform)?​
Judo gis are available to borrow or for purchase at the dojo.
Why do I need a USJF membership?
The United States Judo Federation (USJF) is our National Judo organization that is our promotion authority and provides our insurance. All participants must have an unexpired USJF membership. USJF offers 2 types of memberships: 4-Month or Full-Year membership.​